dr. Noémi Drótos
lawyer tranee
I graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in summer 2022. During my studies I was clearly more interested in the world of private law, but also in human rights and labour law. As an intern I worked at one of Hungary's largest financial institutions and at a renowned human rights organisation as well. Both of my internships gave me the opportunity to participate in the organisations’ professional work, and my experiences influenced me to choose labour law and social issues as the topic of my thesis.
After my graduation I have decided that I would like to gain as much professional experience as possible in addition to the lexical knowledge I had acquired during my studies. Therefore I joined the team of Olasz Balázs Law Firm as trainee lawyer in November 2022. While assisting the law firm's work, my aim is to gain as much practical knowledge as possible in the field of civil law, which I would like to be able to use independently and confidently in the future.
In my spare time I like to read books or do sports, especially if I have the opportunity to do so outdoors.